4Pot XL System Pro

4Pot XL Pro System includes:

1x Reservoir (Multiple Options Available – Choose Below)
1x 3/8″ Golf Filter Kit or 1/2″ – 3/8″ Click Fit Tank Filter (click fit filter only comes with FlexiTanks)
4x 1Pot XL Grommeted Tray & Lid
4x 6.6 gal pot (Black or White)
2x 3/8″ Inline Tap (only 1x tap if you order a FlexiTank which has an included tap)
2x 3/8″ Cross Connector
4x 3/8″ Tee Connector
4x AQUAvalve5
4x Root Control Disc
13′ of 3/8″ Black Pipe
4x XL Propagation Dome
4x AirBase Round
4x AirDome Kit



Choose an option below:


The 4Pot XL Pro System comes with Propagation Lids, AirBases and AirDome Kits.

Why go Pro?

The 4Pot XL Pro includes four, tailor-made propagation lids. These are to be fitted to the pots for the early weeks whilst plants establish in the system. The lids help to generate the humidity that young plants crave. Humidity is an essential part of the micro-environment close to leaves. Lack of humidity directly around plants is perhaps the number one cause of poor growth. Leaves curl to protect the plant against a lack of humidity and transpiration stops. Your environment, system and nutrients may be perfect but without local humidity growth can stall. With the help of the lids your plants can quickly take hold, fill out, and enjoy a fantastically sound basis for further vigorous growth.

In addition to the Propagation Lids, the 4Pot XL Pro System contains 4x AirBase Round which replace the need for a bottom drainage layer of clay pebbles, hydroton or perlite No3. These tough, ABS plastic, reusable bases provide the perfect drainage layer and save you time and labor!

It also contains 4x AirDome kits which are used to oxygenate the root zone by pumping extra oxygen from the bottom of the pot up into the substrate. These can significantly increase yields and boost rhizosphere health!

The 4Pot XL System is extremely versatile and can be used for a wide range of plant types and sizes. Seasonal flowering plants and perennial shrubs thrive and produce an abundance of blooms and foliage because of the unique action of the AQUAvalve5, which is designed to allow the plant to go through a wet & dry cycle.

The 4Pot XL System is easily extended so many pots can be linked to a single reservoir. Please see examples of typical layouts using 3/8″ pipe or 1/2” pipe in the image gallery. The pots & trays can be easily moved at will, if the plants grow too large they can be spaced further apart with ease. Once set up and a reservoir is filled with water & mineral liquid feed this extremely versatile system will completely take care of all your plants needs. All you need to do is remember to fill up your reservoir from time to time.

Need help picking a reservoir? Below is information about each style of reservoir option available:

4Pot XL Resources


Additional information

Weight 28 lbs
Dimensions 17 × 17 × 32 in
Pot Color

Black, White

Reservoir Type:

12.4 gal Hard Tank, 25 gal FlexiTank, 25 gal FlexiTank Pro


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